○ご購入の前にSHOPPING GUIDEをご覧ください○ 「たこやきかぞく」 たこ焼きも家族になる時代。爪楊枝が刺さっているのがお母さん。お父さんは離れ目。子どもたこ焼きはタコの足がちょっぴり見えちゃっていてかわいい。 Takoyaki Family The time when takoyaki also become a family. The mother is the one with a toothpick stuck. The father has a big space between his eyes. The child's takoyaki is cute, with a little bit of the octopus's leg showing.
「眠れる古墳」 一万年に一度だけ目を覚ます古墳。前に目を覚ました時は戦国時代だったため、平和を願いながら眠りについた。赤い鼻がチャームポイント。 Sleeping burial mound A burial mound that wakes up only once every 10,000 years. When he woke up before, it was during the Warring States period, so he went to sleep wishing for peace. His red nose is his charm point.
○ご購入の前にSHOPPING GUIDEをご覧ください○ 「カッパさん」 自分の頭のお皿の使い道を完全に理解している有能なカッパ。お好み焼きが大好物なので常に食べられるように頭に乗せている。たまにカラスの突つかれて泣く。 Kappa He is a competent kappa who completely understands how to use his head plate. Okonomiyaki is his favorite food, so he always carries it on his head because he wants to eat it. Sometimes he cries when he is pecked by crows.
○ご購入の前にSHOPPING GUIDEをご覧ください○ 「パーマヒョウ」 ぐるぐるのパーマをかけた個性的なヒョウ。とってもよく喋る。たくさん喋った後、最後に飴をくれることがある。 Perm Panther A unique panther with a curly perm. She talks a lot. After talking a lot, she sometimes gives you a candy at the end of the day.
○ご購入の前にSHOPPING GUIDEをご覧ください○ 「くいだおれぼうや」 赤青白の洋服が目を引くまんまるぼうや。お腹が空くと太鼓を叩き始め、いつでも満腹になるまで食べる。腹八分目なんて気にしない。 Kuidaore Boya The round boy is an eye-catching figure in red, blue, and white clothing. Whenever he gets hungry, he starts beating the drum and eats until he is full. He doesn't care if he's overeat.